Fatih Özcan
Site Kurucusu
- Katılım
- 7 Aralık 2008
- Şehir
- Yurt Dışı
- Firma
- ABL Group
Vegetated Submerged Beds and Other High-Specific-Surface Anaerobic Reactors
A high-specific-surface anaerobic reactor (figure 1) is any tank or cavity filled with solid media through which wastewaterflows with a high hydraulic retention time (HRT). In onsite treatment the two primary types are vegetated submerged beds(VSBs) and anaerobic upflow filters (AUFs). The first is characterized by horizontal flow and prolific growth of macro-phytes on the surface. The second comes in a variety of forms from upflow sludge blanket systems and fixed mediaanaerobic filters to partially fluidized beds of fine media. Both have long HRTs, produce anaerobic effluents, generallytreat either high-strength or minimally pretreated wastewater, and usually require some form of posttreatment to meetsurface discharge or water reuse requirements.
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A high-specific-surface anaerobic reactor (figure 1) is any tank or cavity filled with solid media through which wastewaterflows with a high hydraulic retention time (HRT). In onsite treatment the two primary types are vegetated submerged beds(VSBs) and anaerobic upflow filters (AUFs). The first is characterized by horizontal flow and prolific growth of macro-phytes on the surface. The second comes in a variety of forms from upflow sludge blanket systems and fixed mediaanaerobic filters to partially fluidized beds of fine media. Both have long HRTs, produce anaerobic effluents, generallytreat either high-strength or minimally pretreated wastewater, and usually require some form of posttreatment to meetsurface discharge or water reuse requirements.
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